DM TeachMeet @ Music Ed Expo 2013 – List of presenters so far…


DM TeachMeet: 11am – 12.30pm Thursday 21st March 2013.

Speakers confirmed so far – but please feel free to email me with a topic or simply turn up on the day!

1.David Ashworth (freelance music educator)

‘Non-musical barriers to SEND music provision’

2. Jonathan Westrup (Drake Music)

‘Introduction to Music – an accessible music course for SEND (and all)students’

3. Gary Day (Drake Music)

‘Understanding accessibility functions on the iPad’

4. Michael Dollan (Sage Gateshead/ Drake Music)

‘Sounds of Intent – a lens to help highlight small but significant musical developments’

5. Emma Lines (DM Scotland)


6. Lauren Clay (DM Scotland)

(subject tbc)

7. Andrew Cleaton (Epiphany Music)

‘Yorkshire Youth & Music project: Dales School, N. Yorkshire’

8. Dr Benjaman Schögler (Skoog)

‘Presenting the work of Stephanie – Skoog musician’

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