DMLab supports the development of new accessible musical instruments and technology. We bring Disabled musicians and technologists together to dream up new ways to make music.
Accessible musical instruments remove barriers to music making for Disabled musicians, allowing creative expression and choice in music making.
There is a real need for a broader variety of accessible instruments. At Drake Music we bridge the gap between musicians and makers, technologists, coders and developers to pioneer new accessible music technology.
Non-disabled people can make music in many ways and at many different levels. Drake Music’s vision is a world where Disabled people have the same range of opportunities and a culture of integrated music-making, where Disabled and non-disabled musicians work together as equals.
We meet regularly online, in London and in Manchester, and have a community of makers and musicians that we work with. They bring their musicality, ideas, innovations, dreams, specific access needs and technical know how. From this, new musical instruments and projects are conceived and developed.
DMLab also runs strategic projects, such as testing new musical instruments with musicians and in schools, working as partners with academics and companies and testing virtual accessible rehearsal spaces.
If you are interested in working with Drake Music, please call the National Office on 020 7739 5444 to discuss or email