Two young musicians examine the Youth Music Quality Framework to prepare for peer teaching.

Here are answers to some of the Frequently Asked Questions at Drake Music:

Are you Canadian R&B and hip hop star Drake?

No, we’re not connected, although we do get messages meant for him on Facebook sometimes. In fact, we kind of had dibs on the name first.

Whereabouts do you work?

We are a national charity, working across the country with partners from music education, the arts and technology sectors. Our Head Office is in London. We previously also had offices in Bristol and Manchester, so we have particularly strong teams and networks in those areas.

I’m interested in accessible music technology, can you tell me more?

Start at our Technology pages, where you can read about our community and the projects we have worked on. Another good place to explore is our News & Views pages, where we showcase projects, blogs and resources.

Do you only work with people with certain impairments?

No, we work pan-impairment with everyone who identifies as Disabled. We focus on the disabling barriers that might be preventing a person from accessing music, whatever they might be.

Why do you use a capital D in the word Disabled?

We use the capital D in Disabled in a similar way to how the Deaf community use the big D. It is about Disabled as a shared identity and is linked to the fight for equality and human rights.


Didn’t answer your question? Get in touch