Access to the right musical instruments and technology can be powerful and transformative.
As part of our DMLab programme, we have supported the design and creation of a significant number of innovative accessible musical instruments. We have also established communities and networks of Disabled musicians and technologists working together to develop bespoke solutions to accessible music-making.
We have learned a lot from DMLab and now is the right time for us to share our technology, expertise and experience…
The Accessible Musical Instrument Collection (AMIC) will be:
- A ground-breaking national collection, representing state-of-the-art of accessible instrument design
- A world-class resource for Disabled people to explore technological possibilities for making music
- A focal point for development of cutting-edge accessible instrument technology
As well as establishing a collection of existing accessible tech, the AMIC will commission and support the creation of the next generation of accessible instruments.
The Collection will be as varied as possible, from high-end commercial instruments through to DIY experimental prototypes and bespoke instruments.
We will continue to build the collection as new instruments come to light, working with makers, hackers and music tech companies to make sure it reflects the most up to date technology.
AMIC will be housed in an accessible space at Drake Music’s HQ and will be available to visit.
Disabled musicians will be able to visit the collection, test out different instruments using an accessible workstation and (hopefully) find one which suits them. Makers can come and be inspired or see what has already been built. Academics can call upon it for research and teachers can explore options for their students.
Currently, nothing like this exists anywhere in the world. Let’s change that.
Drake Music has been awarded capital funding from Arts Council England and Clothworkers Foundation to build the Accessible Musical Instrument Collection.