Interview: Katie Fraser at Web We Want festival

Earlier this year Drake Music took part in the Web We Want festival at the Southbank Centre in London.

We held a hackathon to create new accessible instruments and also held open sessions for members of the public to try out different music technologies.

From Soundbeam to SubPac, Makey Makey to iPads, we brought out the kit and supported people to have a go.

One of the people who came to test out technology and see what was on offer was Katie Fraser – known as @ablegirl on twitter – who we spoke to about the experience:

Katie Fraser with iPad and SubPac
Image: Emile Holba

Q – Tell me a bit about yourself – what do you do?

A – I’m working as a support assistant for people with mental health needs. I work with Genesis Housing who have a scheme in Hertford where there is a residential place to help get people back into the community.

I’ve had several different work experience placements. I look for creative ones because that’s my bag. Theatre, music and technology are my passion.

I don’t just look for creative placements, I look for ones where I can combine my love of creativity and supporting people and I have had lots of different work placements in lots of different things, such as being a Work Experience Co ordinator and working ‎with children and adults who have disabilities to find work and dance. I’ve helped teach dance too to disabled children and adults.

Q – What do you like to do in your spare time?

A – I help out at the Access Forum at Birmingham Hippodrome – the arts have been my passion ever since I was a small child.

Q – Have you ever played music before?

A – No, never in my life. I’m overwhelmed and very startled that I can play keyboards and blocks. Even if… I cannot get over it! Straight away I got it and the block things. Mik [Scarlet] showed me the iPads and what they do and I got into it.

Q – Has today inspired you to play music more?

A – Yes, I really want to get into it more. I love the technical side of all these instruments. It’s very theatrical. I don’t do anything creative and that’s always been my thing. I’d love to do more with it and with Drake Music. It’s just a fantastic way of overcoming barriers.


We would like to say a big thank you to Katie for taking the time to test out our tech, play some music and answer our questions!