We are just over half way through our sharing and amplifying experiment, which you can read about here. And you can see what we shared in January here.
With February fading into the distance I wanted to share an update on what everyone shared last month. Again I have used Storify to do this. You can see what we have been sharing here.
And, like January’s Storify, we can see a wide variety of activities happening across the organisation, from a Teachmeet in London, a musical collaboration involving house music pioneer Graham Massey and the band The Prospectors in Manchester and news of a partnership with artist Rob Olins in the south west (this is just the tip of the iceberg).
I have also been looking at the amount of sharing both internally on Yammer and externally on Twitter and Facebook – we have been doing more across the board.
The Yammer stats are interesting because they show just how much we are sharing on our internal network – not only that but you can see by the number of replies that there has been a great response to what has been shared.
I would caution that this is not a numbers game – our experiment is about using internal and external networks to usefully share and amplify our work. However, we can see by the amount of internal sharing and what we have captured on the Storify – so the tweets, videos, blog posts, news items and so on – that colleagues are sharing more of what they do.
I’d also like to mention that we have created a separate Storify for a Teachmeet event that Drake Music organised at the Music Education Expo 2014 held at the Barbican Centre, London. Jonathan Westrup and Gary Day tweeted, took pictures and shot some video from the event.
Well done to all my Drake Music colleagues – our sharing continues to lift the lid on the wide range of fantastic work the organisation is involved in.