Following on from my original post on creating a social media strategy by doing it, and sharing our first‘experiment’, I’m delighted to share the next experiment being carried out by Drake Music’s Gawain Hewitt, Associate National Manager – Research and Development.
Gawain’s work is focused on research and development – looking at how we can better use and develop assistive music technology. Gawain has already organised a hack day for 21 April 2013 where some of his thinking will be put into action.
The experiment
The main thrust of this experiment is to use social tools to build bridges with interested people and communities and share and broaden the R&D work of Drake Music. This will invole Gawain developing conversations across networks to appeal to the broadest possible number of people who are interested DM’s research and development work and creating a space to develop R&D and to share the work and build relationships around that.
The aims of the experiment are:
1 To build followers and conversation on Twitter
Gawain has created the Twitter profile DrakeMusicRandD and aims to build followers and conversation around his R&D work.
2 To share R&D developments on the R&D blog
Use the DrakeMusicresearch blog, again which Gawain has created, as a home for Drake Music R&D developments.
3 To build useful connections
Use Twitter and the blog to make connections that will bridge different communities around creating new things and showcasing what we create. Gawain hopes to bring people together from the following communities: academics, hackers, partners, regional contacts, advocates, media contacts, manufactures, staff.
I’ll be checking in with Gawain and sharing developments as the experiment develops.