WJEC Music Entry Level

WJEC’s Entry Level Music forms part of their wider ‘Entry Pathways’ suite of credit-based units. All Entry Pathway units sit within the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and aim to provide students with flexible and personalised programmes of study.

The four units in Entry Level Music are: Appraising, Composing, Ensemble Performance and Solo Performance. Each unit is accredited at Entry 2 and Entry 3 level (equivalent to NC levels 2 and 3). Each unit is worth 3 credits (1 credit equates to 10 hours’ learning time for the learner on average). There are no examinations or set tasks. WJEC provides support materials for teachers in the form of suggested activities and teaching and learning materials (including scores). There is also guidance in terms of how to collect student evidence.

The music units can be done on their own or combined with other subjects within the ‘Creative Pathway’ (e.g. Art and Design and Media units). Creative Pathway units can also be included in another Pathway e.g. Personal and Social Development. Candidates can ‘bank’ credits until they are ready to ‘cash’ their credits for an Award (8-12 credits), a Certificate (13-36 credits) or a Diploma (37+ credits). If a student moves to another school or college which offers WJEC Pathways, their completed (accredited) units can travel with them.
Drake Music have found WJEC to be extremely approachable, helpful, communicative and positive about disabled people taking their courses.