The three priorities for the CDI right now are ‘communication, communication, communication’ (apologies, of sorts, to T. Blair)…
We need to let all the partners we have made thus far – examination boards, teacher training providers, LEAs, schools, government – aware of the fact that we have been successful in our EF bid, and what our plans are for the next three years.
The key to this is to stress the mutual benefits of collaborating. For example, in relation to examination boards, we’ll be spreading and sharing all this CDI info far and wide, disseminating our NOCN course and resources and also accessible GCSE music resources. In turn, the boards expand and develop their access procedures and see an increase in disabled students taking their courses.
Equally, closer to home, I want to ensure that everyone in Drake is on board and contributing ideas, opinions and experiences as well as suggesting contacts to follow up. This is a national initiative and so should reflect the talents and knowledge of associates across the country. I hope people will take time to read my blog whenever possible!