Think2020 – Musician Development, ISME & more


Drake Music are currently working on Think2020 – a Youth Music funded programme to increase musical opportunities for disabled children and young people through strategic and sustainable partnership work in the music education sector.

color picture of ruth currie with rough brick wall in background

Find out more about recent activity from the Think2020 Project Manager, Ruth Currie in the blog post below.

July has been a hive of activity for the Think 2020, where we have had three major activities happening, alongside our usual goings on!

Associate Musician Development Day

At the beginning of the month we hosted our Associate Musician Development Day at WeAre336 in Brixton.

Colour photo of the we are 336 building shot at an angle with blue sky

The day brought together existing and emerging Associate Musicians and those from across the Drake Music network who are interested in working more closely with us.

We shared:

  • our experience
  • our successes and challenges
  • our aspirations for our practice
  • what makes an Associate Musician from the perspectives of leadership, musicianship and professional development

All of which culminated in some passionate and empowering discussions and challenges for Drake Music.

It was great to have access to a truly accessible space too.

Read our storify of the event here.

Quality Framework Launch

The next, very exciting, development this month has been the launch of the Drake Music edition of the Youth Music Quality Framework.

Youth Music logo 201

Charlotte Nicol and Jonathan Westrup have been hard at work developing this resource, to support music leaders in a range of SEN/D settings to facilitate high quality music-making opportunities for children and young people.

We’re excited to see how this will be used by music leaders in the coming academic year!

You can download the Quality Framework here.

ISME 2016

Finally, the Think2020 team headed north this month to take part in the 32nd world conference for the International Society for Music Education (ISME) in Scotland.

Our Music Education Manager, Jonathan Westrup ran a session on assessment and accreditation at the SEN/D and Music Therapy event in Edinburgh and was joined by Associate Musician, Kris Halpin, who performed using his Mi.Mu Gloves.

Colour photograph of Kris Halpin performing in a large room with computers, wires & mi mu gloves

Our Training and Consultancy manager, Douglas Noble joined some of our Youth Music Fund C partners (More Music, Sound Connections and Youth Music) and the Ealing Music Hub to present a panel discussion about the development of Music Education Hubs.

Douglas talked about our Think2020 work, including a recent Research and Development project in London with Gawain Hewitt, which involves making and testing new instruments in a live classroom setting.

All in all, it’s been a busy month for the Think2020 team with lots of exciting developments.

We’d like to thank all those that have engaged with Think2020 at events this month, including: all who attended the Associate Musician Development Day and WeAre336 for their excellent space; Drake Music Scotland for hosting the ISME event in Edinburgh; the members of our panel discussion and Charlotte and Jonathan for all their hard work developing the Quality Framework.

Over and out,







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