The 3rd Dimension Conference: The intersection of music, Disability and the criminal justice system

Tuesday 5th December 2023 – 10:00 – 15:00

Location: Graeae Theatre, Bradbury Studios, 138 Kingsland Rd, London, E2 8DY

Individuals with disabilities and neurodivergence are overrepresented within the criminal justice system. We know that music has the power to change lives. This is a daylong event, welcoming those who have lived-experience of, or work within one or more of the key topics of the day; Disability, Music and The Criminal Justice System. As a collective group, we will discuss the intersection of each of these areas, share knowledge and forge new ideas.

The day will consist of insights from key speakers, discussion-based activities and hands on experiences of accessible music making. #MusicForAll


We can offer a limited number of free tickets for people working within or with the criminal justice system. Please e-mail to register your interest.


The venue is accessible. Please do contact us if you have any specific access requirements: email

10:00: Arrival and Housekeeping 

10:05: Musical Performance – Adrian Harrison, The Irene Taylor Trust

10:15: Welcome: Nanette Mellor, Drake Music CEO 

  • Setting the context and aims of the day 

10:30: Part 1: Nanette Mellor

  • Disability, neurodivergence and the criminal justice system 
  • Key points for group discussion 

11:10: Tea and Coffee Break 

11:30: Part 2: Accessibility in Music Making – Jason Dasent and Miss Jacqui, Drake Music 

  • Introduction to Social Model of Disability and barriers to music making 
  • Practical exploration of accessible musical instruments and technology through a songwriting exercise with delegates 

12:30: LUNCH 

1:15: Part 3: Experience of creating music in the criminal justice system & beyond – Sara Lee and Jake Tily, with panelists Adrian Harrison, Rex Horan, L U C I N E, and MACELINO, The Irene Taylor Trust

  • Overview (Sara) 
  • Experience + The Irene Taylor Trust film (MACELINO) 
  • Q&A with The Irene Taylor Trust Emerging Artists and Musicians (Jake Tily) 

2:00: Tea and Coffee Break 

2:20: Part 4: Panel/Q&A with Nanette Mellor – CEO, Drake Music (Chair), Sara Lee – Artistic Director, The Irene Taylor Trust, Aleksandra Malanska – Neurodiversity Support Manager, HMP Wandsworth, Jason Dasent – Drake Music 

  • Thinking ahead and raising the profile of accessibility in this context 

3:00: Closing Words and Musical Performance – Jason Dasent, Drake Music