Seasonal Fluctuations wins Unlimited R&D Award

Images: Sonia Allori playing clarinet; Sheron Wray on projected Skype screen; Sonia, and Sheron in coversation via Skype, with Danny Braverman
Sonia Allori & Sheron Wray at DM Lab Day

We are delighted to announce that Seasonal Fluctuations, a new Drake Music cross-arts commission with Sonia Allori, Sheron Wray, Danny Braverman & Fleeta Siegel has received an Unlimited R&D award.

Image: Unlimited... logo

On Monday 31/03/14, Unlimited announced over £400,000 of funding to support 26 disabled artists across the UK to create ambitious work covering all genres. Funded by the National Lottery through Arts Council England (ACE) and Creative Scotland (CS) & led by Shape and Artsadmin, the 2014 round of the programme aims to build on the successful legacy that was at the heart of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad, which celebrated the work of disabled artists on an unprecedented scale.

On announcing the awards, Jo Verrent, Senior Producer, Unlimited said: “I can’t believe we are here so quickly and with such a stunning range of work to share and to develop. Unlimited stands for quality and the applications we received, the rigour of the panel and the exceptional artistic pieces selected demonstrate the quality of work being created by disabled artists. I just can’t wait to start the real work of Unlimited – ensuring audiences across the UK and beyond get a chance to see the very best work by the very best disabled artists.”

Seasonal Fluctuations, with a new score by composer Sonia Allori, is one of these 26 successful commissions.

Inspired by Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, with Unlimited support Allori will create a new musical composition exploring character, narrative, audience and the ways that disabled and non-disabled people use public space. The composition will be the starting point for a new performance developed with disabled theatre-maker Danny Braverman as dramaturg, dancer Sheron Wray, devising the choreography, and technologist and academic Fleeta Siegel researching how technology can be used to engage inclusive art audiences.

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Image: Sonia, Sheron, Danny & Fleeta with musicians and dancers developing ideas in public realm at Cutty Sark, Greenwich
Seasonal Fluctuations team developing ideas with musicians & dancers at Cutty Sark, Greenwich.