TeachMeet! ‘What does good practice look like for SEN/Disabled children in music education?’
The focus of this TeachMeet will be the sharing of effective practice in music education for SEN/Disabled (SEND) pupils.
This TeachMeet will fun from 7 – 9pm on Wednesday 2nd April in the Glass Room (lower ground floor) of the Colston Hall Foyer. The purpose is to bring together teachers, TAs and music educators who already work with SEND children and will be an opportunity for professionals in both special education and mainstream settings to share their experiences.
If you’d like to do a short presentation on the night please email jonathanwestrup@drakemusic.org
Light refreshments will be available on the night.
Twitter hashtag for the event is #dmspot
What is a TeachMeet?
TeachMeets are informal gatherings of those with an interest in or curiosity about learning and teaching. They’re all about sharing great ideas both from informal and formal learning environments. Presentations are normally only a few minutes long leaving time afterwards for people to network and chat.
Anyone can get up and talk about what they’ve been up to and, indeed, anyone can host a TeachMeet. There are only three guidelines:
1. No selling/pitching/advertising commercial products or services
2. Stick to your time (2 minutes or 7 minutes)
3. Powerpoint/Keynote/Prezi/other presentation software is discouraged. Please be as interactive as possible!
Here are the TeachMeet rules, which are designed to keep the event focussed and fun: http://teachmeet.pbworks.com/w/page/19975368/Rules
Here’s a ‘Storify’ blog including video footage of some of the presentations at the most recent DM TeachMeet at the 2014 Music Education Expo in London
Drake Music’s ‘Spotlighting’ campaign to share good practice
This TeachMeet is part of Drake Music’s Youth Music funded Spotlighting campaign (#dmspot) inviting music educators to share short video clips through the online ‘Experiences’ resource bank: http://bit.ly/1jF6F9P Numerous wonderful videos have now been shared, so please do browse the resource bank, leave comments, share further, and continue to post more videos!
This campaign is also discussed in a recent blog post by Doug Bott, which may serve as a useful introduction to some of the issues likely to be raised at the Teachmeet: http://www.drakemusic.org/blog/dougbott/what-does-good-music-education-look-sendisabled-children