DMLab North West: Exploring accessible music technology
Tuesday 30th July
Manchester Hackspace, Pollard Street East, Manchester, M40 7FS
Free entry – just drop in!
DMLab is a space for Disabled and Non-Disabled musicians, technologists, and makers to exchange practices and explore new accessible instruments.
The event will also include opportunities for networking and music making and testing a selection of instruments from Drake Music’s Accessible Musical Instrument Collection. Have a music or accessibility-based project you’d like to present? Contact us at dmlabnw@drakemusic.org to get involved!
Access information:
The entrance to Hackspace has a small step, with a ramp to make this accessible. The rest of the building has level access or a ramp, and there is an accessible toilet space. Please let us know of any specific access requirements by emailing info@drakemusic.org.