Good Practice for SEND Young People and Music


DM_BMEP608Good Practice for SEND Young People and Music

A free TeachMeet event with Drake Music and BMEP

The focus of this TeachMeet will be the informal sharing of good practice for music education and SEN / Disabled (SEND) pupils. The purpose is to bring together music educators who are interested in or already work with SEND children, and will be an opportunity for professionals in both special education and mainstream settings to share their experiences.

If you’d like to do a short presentation / sharing on the night please email

St Michael’s Parish Hall, Park Lane, Bristol. BS2 8BE
(free parking in the school playground next to the hall)

Tuesday 11th November 7-9pm
Free glass of wine / soft drink!

Drake Music breaks down disabling barriers to music through innovative approaches to learning, teaching and making music. “Our focus is on nurturing creativity through exploring music and technology in imaginative ways. We put quality music-making at the heart of everything we do, connecting disabled and non-disabled people locally, nationally and internationally.”

What is a TeachMeet?
A TeachMeet is an informal gathering whereby teachers can share ideas, films and approaches to their particular subject area. Presentations are normally only a few minutes long leaving time afterwards for people to network and chat.
