Making music with Eyegaze


DJ EyeTech (aka Bram Harrison) worked with Doug Bott to test out EyeGaze as a real music-making technology.

You can read more about the full process on our blog.

Here he tests two pieces of software:

  • The first is The EyeHarp created for EyeGaze users by Zacharias Vamvakousis as part of his Master’s Thesis.

    EyeHarp is a self-contained musical instrument consisting of a matrix sequencer on one page for creating looping melodic patterns, as well as a circular interface on another page for playing notes in real time and transposing the key of the loops playing from the matrix sequencer.

    All sounds are contained within, and can be selected from inside the software.

  • The second is EyeKeys, created by Barry Farrimond of the MUSE Project as a simple, uncluttered interface for playing sounds in real time via MIDI using EyeGaze.

    In this example Bram’s computer is connected to my laptop via MIDI, playing a sound from Native Instruments Absynth