Hansel & Gretel – an inclusive cross-arts production at Springwood Heath Primary, Liverpool.
In March 2014 four disabled and non-disabled artists from across the UK visited Springwood Heath Primary School in Liverpool for a week-long cross-arts residency. The aim of the residency was to create a unique version of Hansel & Gretel that would be written in just a week by nineteen disabled and non-disabled pupils aged between 7 and 10. The four Drake Music Associates, Jon Hering, Ruth Montgomery, Mike Heath and Katie O’Brien led workshops on assistive music technology; music and composition; drama and scriptwriting; and set design respectively.
This short film by Hafsah Naib tracks the residency and documents its impact on all involved.
The project was funded by Arts Council England’s Catalyst Fund and CTel Ltd and is part of #DM20 – a year-long series of events celebrating Drake Music’s 20th year.
Find out about more about the project from the associate artists, by reading Jon Hering’s DM blog post here: Follow the Leader, Mike Heath’s DM blog post here: Springwood Heath Artists Residency – Hansel & Gretel, Katie O’Brien’s post here: Springwood Heath Artist’s Residency blog and Ruth Montgomery’s here: Artist’s Residency: Hansel and Gretel.