Tag Archives: Composing

DJ Eyetech from The Eye Life Show

Making music with EyeGaze in the real world

This blog post charts the continuation of my work with BBC Performing Arts Fund fellow Bram Harrison a.k.a DJ Eyetech. Bram describes himself as living with ‘locked in syndrome’ and we’re working together to enable him to make music on his EyeGaze computer…

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Connect and Collaborate London: 3rd Commission

Following the success of Drake Music Connect and Collaborate London’s music and video commissions In Motion and Ethnomusicality, we recently commissioned DM Associate Musician Gary Day to direct a reinterpretion/re-imagination of an existing song/piece of music, working with a small group of disabled musicians using assistive music technology (AMT).

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Image: still from video of 3 musicians performing, bathed in blue and red light.

Chinatown My Chinatown

I was recently commissioned by Drake Music’s ‘Connect and Collaborate’ strand (C&C) to reinterpret an existing piece of music, working with 3 experienced disabled musicians to compose and record the new piece over 3 sessions, using assistive music technology (AMT).

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