Over 200 entries in the Short Guide to Accessible Music Ed!

Text on coloured background reads The Short Guide to Accessible Music Education

We are pleased to report that the award-winning Short Guide to Accessible Music Education has seen a big rise in the number of new entries.

With now 200 entries to its name, and a recent winner of ‘Best SEND Resource’ award at the 2018 Music Teacher Awards for Excellence, the Guide goes from strength to strength.

We believe music making happening in special education settings is some of the most interesting, inspiring and progressive work in the UK right now.

The Short Guide is packed full of organisations, resources and research which highlights and supports that belief. It brings together information, resources and opportunities ‘all under one roof’ – for disabled musicians, their parents and carers, music teachers, music education hubs and beyond.

If you work in this field and you’re not yet in the Guide, do please get in touch using our contact details at https://theshortguidetoaccessiblemusiceducation.wordpress.com/

There are many interesting ideas on the table for ‘where next’ for the Guide. What’s certain is the Guide only exists because of you!

So please continue to support us by sharing the Guide with colleagues or letting us know about what’s happening in your region.

Here’s to the next year!

Download the Guide now