Help Drake Music to choose new accessible songs!


Drake Music have been commissioned by Sing Up & Faber Music to create more Accessible Singing Resources for the Sing Up Song Bank website.

Please help us to choose which songs we should create accessible resources for!

We’re particularly keen to create accessible resources for songs suitable for young people of secondary school age, including material relevant to transition from primary to secondary school.

You can help us in one of two ways:

Suggest songs already on the Sing Up Song Bank website that you think we should create accessible singing resources for.
Tell us about new songs that you think should be on the Sing Up Song Bank website, which we can make accessible. If you write songs for children and young people, you may even like to suggest songs of your own.

Things that work well for accessible singing:

Call & Response / Question & Answer
Any song that can be sung as a ’round’, especially if it doesn’t matter when the different parts start & finish
Simple lyrics

Things to try and avoid for accessible singing:

Songs that only really work at a fast or very strict tempo
Songs that rely on physical actions
Wordy, complicated lyrics