Fast Forward Music Festival at Colston Hall

Absorbed By Sound Bristol inclusive music groupWe are delighted to be part of Fast Forward Music Festival – a Bristol Music Trust event presenting a revolutionary series of shows that puts accessible music making centre stage.

We hold regular music groups for disabled adults and young people in Bristol and after much composing, jamming and rehearsing they will be playing live at the Fast Forward Music Festival at Colston Hall.

Join us at Colston Hall on Fri 3rd July for live performances from Electric Storm Ensemble and Absorbed By Sound.

Electric Storm Ensemble are a group of disabled musicians from all over Bristol & Somerset who have been playing together at Colston Hall since 2014.

They will perform a piece of original material composed by the group, and an electronic re-imagination of John Lennon’s classic ‘Imagine’ using a wide range of accessible musical instruments, tech and electronics.

Absorbed By Sound are a brand new inclusive music group from Bristol.

Absorbed By Sound inclusive music group bristol

A group of young people from Drake Music’s SoundSplash programme and Colston Hall Remix sessions, 4 music leaders and three carers, got together at Easter to create their own piece of music exclusively for the Fast Forward Music Festival.

Absorbed By Sound will be performing their ‘Hungarian Shuffle’ live using a mixture of assistive music technology and traditional instruments.

Sounds and melodies are made using eyegaze software triggering guitar samples, drums, iPads, Soundbeam, acoustic guitar and makey makey hooked up to fruit and veg to trigger vocal + robotic voice samples.

Get a sneak preview here.

Absorbed By Sound Bristol inclusive music groupEVENT INFO:

Fast Forward Festival
Date: Thu 2 – Fri 3 Jul 2015
Time: Electric Storm Ensemble ~ 3rd July: 4 – 4.30pm
Absorbed By Sound ~ 3rd July: 6 – 6.30pm
Venue: Colston Hall – Foyer Performance Space for DM performances
Price: Free (for DM performances)
To book an accessible ticket and a free carer please call the box office on 0844 887 1500.