Music in other subjects in SEN schools

This short film is from the MUSE ‘Listening Aloud’ project at New Fosseway and Briarwood Schools in Bristol and Threeways School in Bath (2013). The film shows musical activity in school across different curriculum subjects using a range of simple and affordable music technology that was developed in partnership with teachers throughout the project.


Activities shown include music technology being used for phonics, story telling, numeracy, french, learning shapes and PE. Some of these activities (phonics, story telling & the first numeracy clip) use LooperDooper software which is free to download from

The music technology (including iPad apps) used in the other activities is not yet publicly available, but the Shapes activity in particular demonstrates the potential of Kinekt to engage some SEN/Disabled young people in cross-curricular activities that include music.

The Sounds of Intent framework was used to assess the pupils musical engagement in many of these activities.

Why is this effective practice?

Use of music across the curriculum

School staff demonstrating their skills in using simple and affordable technology in musical activities

Use of flash cards

Use of Makaton

Mixture of one-to-one, small group and whole class activities

Use of Sounds of Intent framework to assess the activities and suggest progression routes