‘Music to film – film to music’
Drake Music – Connect & Collaborate London in partnership with BFI Southbank
On 10th March 2014, Drake Music – Connect and Collaborate partnered with BFI Southbank to put on a premier event of ‘Music to film – film to music’.
23 attendees ranging from organisations such as Disability Arts Online, SELAN – Network Arts Lewisham and Arts Council England, to independent disabled musicians and film makers.
At 1.30, attendees congregated over coffee in the Blue Room whilst David Somerset, Adult Community Education programmer, introduced and welcomed us to the BFI. An interesting insight into the importance of disabled musicians/filmmakers in today’s culture by artist and musician, Chas De Swiet leant to a strong introduction to the event, closely followed by Event Curator, Ivan Riches warm welcome and running order.
The programme consisted of the following film and music screenings:
- ’In Motion’, commissioned by C&CL Drake Music, made by Melanie Clifford with music by Melanie Clifford, Howard Jacques, Tom Newnham and Rosie Vachat.
Melanie works in translation between film, sound, drawing, broadcast, material and site to think about psychological relationships to urban space: intimacy, distance, estrangement; the experience of being held in and between registers. She has worked with Drake Music since 2008 on various projects – as a filmmaker, artist, curator, facilitator, photographer, mentor, musician & web editor.
Film Shown: http://www.drakemusic.org/showcase/av/motion
- ’Water’ a film with music made by Chas de Swiet.
Chas de Swiet is an artist mainly working with sound and music. His musical progression has been from a classical violinist through to a world music and ambient DJ and then on to playing in bands and producing music for film, dance, theatre and events. He has also worked in a variety of roles including General Manager, Head of Operations, Project Manager, Producer and Trustee; there has often been a specialism around disability arts and diversity. Chas is currently working for Greenwich + Docklands Festivals as a Producer on outdoor arts festivals.
Film shown: http://www.deswiet.co.uk/video
- ‘A Case for Creative Diversity’ Commissioned by ACE, made by Ivan Riches
Ivan Riches is a visual /sound artist and filmmaker. He has experience in community film and arts project development, production & delivery in both the public & private sectors, including Arts Council England, BBC Disability Programmes Unit, Disability Arts Online, GE Healthcare and the Victoria and Albert Museum. He is the Associate Producer, Connect & Collaborate London for Drake Music.
Film shown: http://disabilityarts.creativecase.org.uk/South-East-Phil-Baird-Outside-In
Special Guests –
‘Ethnomusicality’ Premier of an animation with music made by Phil Baird and Carlo Keshishian and also artists from SELAN – Network Arts Lewisham in partnership with The Horniman Museum and supported by Drake Music – Connect & Collaborate London. Project artists/musicians facilitated and mentored by Gary Day Drake Music (DM) associate musician and Ian Patterson (DM) associate filmmaker.
- ’Jimi Hendrix: Fire’ Promo and ‘It Started with a Murder # Expt.1’ made by Susan Young
Susan Young is an animator and artist based in London. On leaving the RCA she was commissioned by the United Nations to direct The Doomsday Clock, a film about multilateral disarmament, with co-director Jonathan Hodgson. Subsequently Young focused on the combination of music and animation, collaborating with musicians including David Byrne (Beleza Tropical: Umbabarauma), record producers such as Alan Douglas (Jimi Hendrix: Fire), and record labels including Island Records and Island Visual Arts (Time Will Tell and Island 25 documentary titles).
Films shown: http://vimeo.com/43315666 http://vimeo.com/60178410 http://vimeo.com/43315319
Each film was beautiful and equally unique with completely different approaches to the marriage of film and music.
The afternoon continued with an open discussion around the films and any connecting issues, providing a thought provoking and interesting discussion.
The discussion covered different processes and approaches that the musicians/filmmakers go through when creating a film with sound/music, and how this differs with varied accessibilities.
Opportunities for disabled film makers and musicians such as where work can be shared, where artists can collaborate and different opportunities for funding were discussed. It was noted that a good funding opportunity is through the Arts Council England’s Grants for the Arts –http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/funding/grants-arts/
Many expressed interest in setting up a monthly event where disabled film makers and musicians can showcase work, network and discuss further issues around access and opportunities.
A short film documenting clips from this discussion by Jack Mealing:
Comments –
‘Enjoying the amazing diversity of sound and image’
‘A really lovely festival atmosphere with great moments of delights’
‘Great to make connections, I will definitely keep in touch’
‘Thank you. More please’
‘Looking forward to the next one!’
‘More of these please’
Phoebe Osborne, 19th March 2014
Photos by Jack Mealing