Making, creating, connecting, reaching out


We’re creating something unique and we’d like to invite you to get involved and co-create it together.

It started off as a dream about an unconference, and is beginning to become a reality that is about discovery and inclusion
“We discussed providing a space, virtual and real for stuff to happen; live streams, audio boos, live tweeting and blogging, using technology to co-create across distance, playing with technology to see what can happen.  Simple music making space, composition, demo-ing what we can do, pushing the boundaries of what we can do.  Playing with music, technology, ideas, thoughts – hacking what we have to create something new.”

At Drake Music, we aim to remove disabling barriers so people of all ages, abilities and communities can access and progress in music making.  Our ambition for our making, creating, connecting and reaching out is to bring as many people together as possible to help us broaden our reach and bust a few barriers.  We want disabled musicians everywhere to feel connected, to identify potential for collaborations, and to play, play, play with music and technology. We need some stuff to make this happen in early May 2013 and welcome your input:

  • we would love to hear from disabled musicians/artists interested in developing these ideas and help create the event
  • a  beautifully accessible space that is big enough to accommodate disabled musicians, artists, techies, teachers, thinkers, funders…. – do you know of somewhere, do you own somewhere; what could you suggest?
  • a fully accessible virtual space so you can connect with us wherever you are – we need your thoughts and ideas!
  • we always welcome funding; the more funding we have, the more we can do with our making, creating, connecting, reaching & discovery.

Please share this, tweet it, blog it, reblog it, talk about it, email it, print it, pin it up somewhere.


Martin Couzins @martincouzins;
Meg Peppin @OD_optimist;
Carien Meijer

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