LCM Leisure Play music exam

Available in all music subjects, London College of Music offer Leisure Play music exams as a performance-only alternative to graded exams. [NB Leisure Play exams are not accredited, they are assessment only.] They are offered at 8 levels, corresponding in standard to graded exams, and candidates are able to explore jazz, popular or other contemporary styles if they wish. Candidates do not prepare for the additional components of the main grade syllabus; however, Leisure Play exams provide an assessment of standard, as well as being a useful yardstick of progress and a goal to work towards.

As for graded exams, candidates receive a written report form with comments and marks, and successful candidates receive a Pass, Merit or Distinction certificate.

Drake Music is aware of a number of disabled people at Worcester Snoezelen who have taken LCM Leisure Play exams, which are accessible due to their flexible and open-minded framework.