Shape Networking Event


Last week Anna and I went over to Shape’s offices for a Speed Meeting Event that was focussed on Exploring Partnerships.  There were people there from a wide range of organisations which included Local Authorities, Arts Council England, Trusts and other members of the Disability Arts Consortium.  After a really interesting opening presentation from Dave Richmond, CEO of Art and Power (, we went on to the speed meeting. Basically we had 5 minutes in each meeting before being moved on.  Sounds like a recipe for chaos but it ran like clockwork.  You get better as you go along and soon you’re able to find out about each other and the common interests quite quickly. Between us Anna and I had about 13 speed meetings which have resulted in a number of new contacts and possible directions.  We’ve already made contact with all those we met and have 2 or 3 meetings in the diary already. We’ll let you know how we progress!

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