Framework experiments

colour photograph of Gary DayIn this post our Drake Music Associate Musician Gary Day shares his thoughts on the Youth Music Quality Framework and how he can utilise it in his work at Belvue, for year 2 of our Exchanging Notes Youth Music project. 

Although I have been comfortable in using the Sounds of Intent (SOI) framework and recording session data with my 1:1’s – I haven’t yet found a way to use the Youth Music quality framework effectively.

I have looked through it more than just a few times and I can totally see its value, and this year I want to find a decent home for the quality framework in my sessions at Belvue.

Belvue 2

To make this happen I have decided that I will to try to use it in a different way each term, to see if I can identify a particular method that suits me best, as I’m sure there would be many different ways to use it.

For example, pre-lesson/session checking your plan/space/skills against the descriptors, or after the lesson/session in a more reflective way to help plan for the next week.

Or maybe picking one or two descriptors each week to focus on, before and after the session.

But what way is the best way?

Is there a ‘best’ way, or a ‘good’ way, an ‘ideal’ way?

So this term to get started, I have decided to pick 2 descriptors to reflect on after each session and I will use some of my allocated (15mins per young musician) SOI data time to record my after session reflections based on the descriptors for that week.

Will let you know how it goes!


Read more about Exchanging Notes here and here.

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