A year in the South West

The publication of the National Plan for Music Education and the formation of new Music Hubs across the region, made 2012-13 an exciting year for Drake Music.  In the South West Drake Music is a partner in the Bristol Hub ‘Bristol Plays Music’ and the Gloucestershire Hub ‘Make Music Gloucestershire’ and are working with these hubs and others to ensure that,

Children from all backgrounds and every part of England should have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument; to make music with others; to learn to sing; and to have the opportunity to progress to the next level of excellence if they wish to.’ National Plan for Music Education

During 2012-13 Drake Music extended its reach across England and Wales – Drake Music Associates from the South West were extremely busy delivering new projects and working in new areas. DM Associates from the South West crossed the border to deliver projects in Wales for the first time, working in partnership with Gwent Music Service. Our work continues to be delivered in schools and educational settings, we also continued to develop and grow our relatively new adults programme, in partnership with two day centres, CEDA Arts Hub in Exeter, and Paul’s Place in South Gloucestershire.

Facts and figures

During 2012/13 Drake Music South West delivered;

300 music sessions with a total of 1224 attendances

21 training sessions

256 disabled children and adults took part in our music sessions and we trained 107 educators and musicians

We worked in partnership with 37 organisations including schools, music hubs, arts and music organisations and voluntary organisations

Plans for 2013-14

We are delighted to have been awarded funding from the BBC Performing Arts Fund for a Music Fellowship.  Drake Music will host the fellow Bram Harrison (aka DJ Eye Tech) during 2013/14.  Bram is a DJ and musician with ‘locked in’ syndrome based in Exeter, he presents ‘Eye Life’ show on local radio Phonic FM on an ad hoc basis.  As a Drake Music fellow, Bram Harrison will develop his career as a DJ and musician and advocate for equality of participation and collaboration in music making by disabled and non-disabled people.

We are also excited that we will be continuing to develop our programme of activities within the community.  More holiday and weekend music sessions at the Colston Hall are planned for young people as part of Sound Splash, and we will be launching a new open access group for adults at the Colston Hall, Bristol in September 2013.

To read more about Drake Music work in the South West region, click here for the South West region activity report for 2012-13 pdf

Anna MacGregor, Regional Programme Manager

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