MIDI Grid ‘Grid Play’ software resources

The Full Pitcher have produced music resources for MIDI Grid music software. MIDI Grid is accessible to disabled people using almost any means of computer access – switch, joystick, trackball, SmartNav, Eye-gaze etc.

There are two sets of ‘Grid Play’ resources available either on CD Rom or to download:

GridPlay Creative Explorations Level 1. Creative music activities appropriate for Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1.  In addition to the software set-ups, this resource includes a 26-page e-book of songs and activities.

GridPlay Creative Explorations Level 2. Suitable for Key Stage 2 upwards. In addition to the software set-ups, this resource includes a 37-page e-book of songs and activities.

See the website for pricing and more detailed information about the GridPlay resources: http://www.fullpitcher.co.uk/software.htm

The Full Pitcher website also includes other information, ideas and links on music for children and young people with special needs: http://www.fullpitcher.co.uk/specialneeds.htm