This is the Executive Summary of a Report created as part of the Music Connections East (MCE) research project.
Read the summary here: Music Connections East Executive Summary (MS Word Doc)
Read on for further information about this consultancy work for Music Hubs and Bridge Organisations in the East of England.
The project looked at music making in Special Education Needs and/or Disability (SEN/D) Schools in the East Region and was carried out between November 2014 and July 2015 by Drake Music.
The research was commissioned by a Consortium made up of 11 Music Education Hubs (Hubs), Royal Opera House Bridge and Norwich and Norfolk Festival Bridge.
We wanted to find out:
- how young people’s music making needs were being met in SEN/D or complex needs schools
- how good practice is recognised and measured
We also explored how teaching and learning were being supported through assistive music technologies (AMT) in these settings and how AMT was supporting participation and progression in music.
We were asked to explore how the learning from the research should impact on the core delivery of the Hubs.
This Executive Summary covers what we did, what we learnt, our recommendations and the conclusions drawn from the work.
The Music Connections East project also features in The Paths We Take at pages 41-43 – the publication that documents the work ROH Bridge has undertaken from 2012 – 2015 – available at
“It’s about working together, getting together to get better”
Music Teacher taking part in MCE