International Day of Disabled People #IDPD2015


Tomorrow we are celebrating the International Day of Disabled People which has been co-ordinated  by the UN since 1992.

using ipads to make music

This year the theme is:  Inclusion matters: access and empowerment for people of all abilities

That sums up Drake Music’s standpoint on music too, so to honour and celebrate #IDPD2015 we will be sharing great musical inclusion projects all day on twitter.

Like this one:

If you’d like to get involved then why not tweet us your project and we will share it!

Let’s shout loud and proud about the amazing music being made by disabled musicians, the fantastic ways people are developing new accessible music tech and the incredible work being done in school across the UK to open up access to music for all.

Join us on twitter by sharing with the hashtag #IDPD2015 and tweeting us your projects.