Billy Saga UK Visit & Tour 2016

We are currently working with Unlimited on their international touring programme for Deaf and disabled artists.

Unlimited aims to embed work by disabled artists within the UK and international cultural sectors, reach new audiences and shift perceptions of disabled people.

As part of this programme, Drake Music are producing the first UK tour of Billy Saga.

Billy Saga

Billy Saga poses in baseball cap and shades

Willian Coelho, better known as Billy Saga, is a disabled Brazilian musician who fuses hip-hop, rock, reggae, dub and samba to comment on politics, religion and human rights.

He is also the president of the SuperAção Movement, which is a non-governmental organisation in Brazil established in 2003 by disabled and non-disabled young people with the aim to tackle discrimination and injustice.

The Brazilian Connection

We are delighted to be working with Billy again, following on from our project The Brazilian Connection – a collaborative music project organised by DM Associate Musician Ben Glass between Drake Music and Mais Diferenças, São Paulo, Brazil.

The project culminated in a Skype teleconference and a live jam session, here is a short film about it:

Billy Saga UK Tour

In September Billy will be performing and running workshops across the UK, visiting London, Bristol and Gateshead together with Ben Glass and DJ Frenic aka Sam Fergusson, a professional scratch DJ of 16 years.

They will also perform together at Liberty Festival and make an appearance at DM Collaborate in September.

With DJ Frenic on a mission to explore our innermost thoughts while taking people deep into their own psyche, accompanied by Ben’s minimalist ordering of sounds and Billy’s rap as a true ode to resilience, audiences are in for a treat.

Full details about the performance programme and workshops to be announced soon!

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