Wells Cathedral School Outreach Project


When I started working for Drake Music in 2006, Doug Bott (DM South West Coordinator) told me that he had an ambition to see students who use communication aids singing in a mainstream choir. This project, funded by Sing Up and coordinated by the Wells Cathedral School Outreach program will be a big step closer to that goal. Next week, students from Avalon Special School in Street, Somerset will be performing alongside students from 3 local mainstream primary schools, the Junior Choir and choristers from the Cathedral School. It’s a truly exciting project and we are flying by the seat of our pants somewhat – just 4 short practices before the high profile concert! However, it’s shaping up nicely. Avalon students will be singing two lovely African songs ‘A Keelie’ and ‘Nanuma’, using Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs), in collaboration with their mainstream peers. They will also be singing and signing ‘What A Wonderful World’ and ‘Believe’. A group of KS5 students are also doing a remix / cover version of ‘Love You More’ by JLS. We have one more rehearsal before the show. I will post an update on how it went!

Below is a short film I shot on my phone of Rebecca from the Cathedral School and I testing a VOCA in the cathedral’s wonderful acoustics (apologies for the fact that it’s in portrait!).

It’s set to be an amazing concert, and is open to the public. Details are as follows:

2-3pm, Wednesday 30th March

Wells Cathedral, Cathedral Green, Saint Cuthbert Out, Somerset BA5 2UE

Hope to see you there!


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